Thursday, March 24, 2016

Device Detection Problem After Upgrading VeraLite ui5 to UI7 Firmware. Helpful Solution Tips.

On Upgrading VeraLite latest version UI5 to UI7(v1.7.439). i partially checked firmware updates at then i went to MiCasaVerde site for upgrading my unit. The question to ask is, Why device are not detected in VeraLite  UI7?       
We know, Rebooting can give you a ticket to login for your remote access by using your credentials. Can't forget what the hack happened on my progress in UI5 interface. The odd reason dared to come across by giving the message of not connecting, Guess what i did! Logging out the account, then when i tried to log in, it had nothing to mess with me again 

UI7 looks quite nice, and when logged in, it seems FOR THE MOST PART that it kept my config intact. I see all my devices listed as well as all my scenes. However, on the dashboard it indicates a red sad face smiley house icon with a message that "13 devices are no longer connected... They can be disconnected, out of range, or the batteries should be replaced." Basically NONE of my devices are apparently connected. But yet when I log in, I'll see status messages above the dashboard about one of my devices having a low battery.

Even worse, though, while logged into UI7, while most menus on the left work, if I try to click on 'Users & Account Info', I am immediately sent back to the login page! Doesn't matter what I do, that's what happens. So I have no access that that section at all.

And while I can reach the SSH server on my Vera Lite unit from my home LAN, I can't seem to login. (1)

I'm just wondering what I can do. I was caught a bit offguard by the upgrade triggering the way it did, and I have a lot of scenes configured I'd rather not have to rebuild. And even if so, I don't mind that so much even going to factory reset (how do we do that again?) IF I can somehow dump them out so I have them in a list.

Anyway, overall like the look of the UI. Just hoping to stabilize things. So if anyone has any tips, hints, or thoughts, I'm all ears and would be very appreciative.

(1) Had a few minutes to Google, and was able to go to Settings | Backup, [Create backup], download the .tgz file, then decompress it, navigated to /etc/cmh/cmh.conf, and find the root SSH password there. So I CAN SSH into the unit now. But all the rest still stands. So if anyone has instructions that would let me tweak things under the hood, I'm all ears.

Here is the best helpful tips to help Smart homes
1) You will get little to no support on UI7 as most here fear change and therefore will NOT upgrade to UI7 and just want to talk about how NOTHING works on UI7 and the devs refuse to update their plugins to work with UI7 (most claim it's no possible when it actually is a relatively simple adjustment they refuse to do) which in turn makes it so fewer people want to update to UI7 which IS a better interface. It's not w/o it's bugs of course but UI5 isn't the bed of roses some will try to have you believe.

2) The issue you experience is one I also experience with my Foscam cameras as well even though they seem to function 100%. I attempted to disable the warning messages and was unable to. Then, without reason or explanation, the red face turned green and it worked fine for about a week. Since I didn't do anything to fix this there was always a dark cloud over my head because I knew that it could just as easily revert back to being broken. It did. I have a help ticket open but it's taking weeks to get responses and I REALLY miss the chat feature that existed when I bought the VeraLite.

3) The captcha BS is way way WAY overkill and is a bandaid fix for old forum software. After you post 5 (I think it is) times it will go away. Requiring you to answer like 5 questions every time you post is overkill at best. The forum software is painfully ancient and devoid of any of the features that have been developed to make user interaction a better experience over the last decade or so.

4) You will get a lot of people that look down on you for not using UI5 and basically offering no support to make you feel like some sort of an out lier. In fact, it's actually the community that appears to be stalling growth of this product more than the developers themselves. The days that it works I feel like I'm happy with my purchase. The days that it has issues I consider if I made the right choice and what else is out there. I have a Wink Hub showing up today but I'm 99% sure I will hate it based on some of the reviews I've read. I may give the SmartThings hub a try sooner than later. I hate the idea of having to change (especially since I paid $179 for this turd when it's going for $99 just a few months later so I won't get as much on resale) but it seems as though the device and support for this product are regressing more than advancing which isn't a good sign since it was far from perfect to begin with. Trending backwards is something that it can ill afford.

Good luck with whatever you decide but the best advice I can give based on my experience is don't get too attached and keep looking out for what else is out there. Sounds like Apple and Google are both on the horizon with what will likely be a MUCH more polished offering since the market currently is sparse and unstable at best.

What Is Home Automation?

The meaning of Home Automation? 
Home automation is simply defined as the super way of using electronic communication device especially a Smartphone or Computer to control all your house activities even if you are far apart from your home.The automated gadgets will be under control of a mobile phone and they'll obey the orders from your phone wherever and whenever it orders them to do something. The automated house is named as Smart Home. This can give a reflection of how an automated house is controlled with smart phones of laptop. The internet of things is  not a word to worry about its meaning. If you have already get to understand what automation system means, then the internet is what makes the home automation system possible. Absence of internet can make the operation of all the home automated objects/gadgets to go worse.

The remote control of things at your house is made possible by presence of a well designed software which is the one responsible in interpreting the set of instruction given by a user to the home objects. The instruction in computerized form are sent through network/internet to the responsible gadgets to  be operated. So, The all the mode of controlling and having ability of knowing what's going on at your house when you are in remote areas is what we call Home Automation. 

Some of the home automated gadgets are like Home theaters Music systems, light system and  Heaters can be switched on and off from remote, You can remotely open the doors for Gardeners or housekeepers to enter the room even if you are at work. Pool pumps works perfectly with this automation system. Mono price door/window sensors and temperature sensors are among the things operated in this field of mastering your house from anywhere. Android and iOS smartphone like Samsung and iPhone are one of the most applicable operators of these automation. Just a single text message can do all the amazing things at your house.